Originating from Belgium in the 1200s, Brussels Sprouts are a European delicacy. When cooked right they will melt in your mouth. They contain good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, sinigrin, and dietary fibre.
CULTURE: Grown mainly for fall and winter crops. Will over winter in mild areas. For early crops start indoors 4-6 weeks before planting out. For late crops, seed in June. SOIL: Sprouts like a deep moist loam. PH 6.5-7
FERTILITY: Ensure adequate levels of nitrogen. Keep a regular watering schedule so plants do not wilt in heat.
GERMINATION: Sow in plugs at 70F/21C for 7 days, or outdoors in warm soil.
SPACING: Transplant or thin seedlings out to 40-45cm/16-18”
Harvest in fall after first frost for maximum flavour. To ensure uniform maturity nip off growth point in late summer when first sprouts are forming.