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Greta's Family Gardens

Black Beauty Tomato - Organic

Regular price $4.25 CAD
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1809- Black Beauty. 75 days. Rich, smooth and savoury with earthy tones. This is a mid-late season variety that ripens a little slow but is worth the wait. The unripe, indigo coloured fruits will dazzle your garden.

It appears this tomato does well with a bit of aging at room temperature. Some were tested for flavour at 1, 2 and 3 weeks after sitting on the counter with great results.  Flavour increased and flesh is very slow to break down. Anthocyanin in tomatoes is Sun (UV) activated so the best colour is obtained with partial sun or indirect sunlight. Trim leaves on the north side of the plant to allow light to hit fruits. Total sun exposure in hot climates is not recommended, partial shading from leaves is best.

Certified Organic by Ecocert Canada